Saturday 30 July 2011

Hit the ground running...

Hi Blog! You're finally heeeere, this is so exciting! It has been so tiresome having all these funny thoughts and observations tracking around my mind. I'm glad we can put them all in one place, neatly and organised and where other people can enjoy them too. Lovely.

I had a lot of trouble trying to find a name for this blog. 'Life on the Bright Side' was taken. So was 'My Life on the Bright Side'. Blogger kept recommending 'A Life on the Bright Side.' I guess it knows best. But I was slightly deflated that my lovely little Blog had a third choice name. Mum came in from the study to find me talking aloud, trying to find some way around it. As Mums always do, she took one look at the situation, and made it better. 'A Life on the Bright Side' is wonderful Ali. Look, the first three letters of your blog name is your name. Mum is brilliant. Now I can show off to people and pretend the whole thing was planned out in the first place.

So there you go. My name is Alison Brown and this is my Blog. And these are some funny observations from a life on the bright side.
